Activities for asylum seekers
This page contains information about activities available to asylum seekers in Long Eaton

Volunteering opportunities
We are seeking new opportunities for asylum seekers to volunteer in Long Eaton and beyond. Activities open to all can include picking litter, volunteering in community gardens and outdoor spaces, bike repair, and canal restoration. Activities open to more experienced or skilled volunteers include translation and interpretation, volunteering in charity shops, cooking and providing food to local people affected by the cost of living crisis, gardening and household help, community theatre, and more.
Why volunteer?
Volunteering helps asylum seekers learn and practise English, integrate in the community, and is good for mental health. Migrants who have successfully settled in the UK tell us that the asylum seekers who are volunteering now will be those who develop skills and contacts to allow them to get good jobs when they are given the right to remain in the UK. The UK government encourages asylum seekers to volunteer, but does not allow them to be paid for volunteering. For more information read here. We do not help asylum seekers find paid work, as this is illegal. Asylum seekers who work illegally give other asylum seekers a bad reputation among British people, and will get in trouble with the UK government if they are discovered.
How can I volunteer?
You can find some ideas for volunteering in the timetables below. Please speak to the Housing Officer in your hotel to find out how to join them. Erewash Voluntary Action helps many asylum seekers find volunteering opportunities. You can also contact David. There are not enough volunteering opportunities, nor enough people to find them, so it may take some time find you activities. To help you find opportunities to volunteer, we may share your name, hotel, and contact details, and other relevant information with other people who can help you. See our privacy policy for information about how we process your personal data.
Learning English and other skills
For several months, volunteers have been providing English teaching for asylum seekers in Long Eaton. Other English classes can be found in Nottingham and Derby. After six months in the UK, asylum seekers are eligible for certificated English and Maths college classes in Nottingham and Derby, and some are now accessing these. From August 2023 we will provide regular English classes at St John's Church in Long Eaton. See the timetables below for more information about English.
Asylum seekers may become members of Long Eaton library or other libraries to borrow books and use computers. Library staff are very helpful. Please visit the library to find out more.
We have developed various opportunities for asylum seekers in Long Eaton to play sport, especially football, cricket, basketball, and table tennis, and are looking to develop more. Please speak to your Housing Officer if you are unsure what sport you can play and how you can play it.
We previously had funding for gym memberships. Sadly this came to an end in October 2023. We are seeking more funding to support sport, but this may take some time. Please tell us what sport activity you would like funding for.
Weekly activities
We try to keep these timetables up to date, but they may contain errors. Please ask your housing officer to contact the organisers of each activity for up to date information. We are most grateful to all who have translated these timetables. Please scroll to find your language, or contact us if you can provide a translation.

Activities in Derby
These organisations in Derby provide activities for asylum seekers who come from Long Eaton
Upbeat Communities
Activities in Nottingham
These organisations in Nottingham provide activities for asylum seekers from Long Eaton: