Long Eaton Clothing Bank
Long Eaton Clothing Bank
Tuesdays & Fridays 10.00-12.00
Long Eaton Baptist Church, Station St, Long Eaton,NG10 1GJ
Long Eaton Clothing Bank opens on Tuesdays and Fridays 10.00-12.00, for asylum seekers, refugees, and others in the local community who need clothes or shoes. It opens alongside Long Eaton Food Bank.
Users may be limited to five items per visit. ​
You need a food bank voucher to use the food bank, but this is not necessary for the clothing bank. Please talk to the volunteers at the clothing bank if you have any questions.
Clothing banks around the UK are struggling to provide enough clothes. Even when we are open, we cannot guarantee that we will have exactly what you are looking for.
f you have garments or plastic bags you no longer need, clean them and return them to the clothing bank for others to use.
The clothing bank does not provide shower gel, shampoo, razors, or other toiletries. Please ask at your hotel for these items.
The clothing bank does not provide fashion items or excess clothes. Like British people with limited finances, you may find what you need from sources like:
Charity shops - look for Treetops Hospice, YMCA, Barnardo's, Lighthouse, Salvation Army, Mind, RSPCA, PDSA, Cancer Research, British Heart Foundation - and other shops in Stapleford, Nottingham, or Derby
Other shops for cheap clothes (Long Eaton): Home Bargains, B&M Bargains, Tesco, Asda, Peacocks
Chilwell Retail Park NG9 6DS - Poundland, Poundstretcher, TX Maxx
Nottingham/ Derby - Primark (including flipflops for £1) & many other shops.
Also look online for cheap or free clothes locally - eg Freegle, Olio, Facebook groups like Long Eaton Free Stuff, Beeston Free-Recycle, and clothing banks open to the public.
Long Eaton Clothing bank is run by volunteers, and all the clothes and shoes are provided by individuals and charities who want to help asylum seekers. It is the same with other clothing banks in UK. Thank you for treating volunteers and other users with respect. We have to operate safely and sustainably.