
Sunday Worship
As a group of Christians we seek to join in worship, care for others and extend and share our understanding of a loving God, His saving grace, and the life and inspiration that God’s empowerment can bring in our lives.
We meet every Sunday at 10.30am. Children are welcome to join in any of our children's and youth ministries and there is a creche room with speakers next to the main church if you have little ones with you.
Our weekly gathering is a place you can be excited about inviting your friends and taking steps in your relationship with God and others. You can dress casually or wear your "Sunday best," how ever you feel comfortable. Our services last around 60-70 minutes and include a mix of contemporary and traditional worship, bible reading, times of prayer and a relevant message.
Doors open about 10.00 for 10.30 Sunday worship. All our welcome. As we meet upstairs for worship, we lock doors after 10.30. You are welcome after that time - but please ring the doorbell on the left of the door, and someone will let you in.
Sunday worship is streamed live on Zoom for the time being, in particular to allow those who are shielding, isolating or on holiday to join with those able to join in person. Please contact us if you would like to join on Zoom.

Neil Jones
Worship Coordinator