Reverend Arnold Dixon Reverend Judi Smart

At Trinity you will be met with a warm unconditional welcome. No matter what you’ve been through or what questions you might have, our church is a place where you'll find the grace, mercy, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone. Come and be part of our family this Sunday.

Welcome to Trinity
New to Trinity and wondering what’s next? Get connected in the foyer before the service, to introduce yourself, ask questions and learn about opportunities to help get you connected with others at Trinity. You are invited to catch up again with our welcome team after the service, join us for a tea or coffee downstairs and meet some of the other members of the church.
Coming along for the first time and would like someone to meet you outside? Just drop us an email or complete our contact form below. One of our team will follow up with you in the next couple of days. You can let them know if you have additional questions and arrange to meet someone who can show you the ropes if that makes you feel more comfortable.
Doors open about 10.00 for 10.30 Sunday worship. All our welcome. As we meet upstairs for worship, we lock doors after 10.30. You are welcome after that time - but please ring the doorbell on the left of the door, and someone will let you in. Sunday worship usually lasts 60-70 minutes.
If you are unfamiliar with the Christian faith, or if you want to learn more about Jesus Christ, we are eager to share him with you. We believe Jesus is our Saviour and Redeemer, and we look to him for grace each day. If you would like to find out more about our faith please contact us or click here.